MHI – Hybrid Turbochargers Awarded for its Efficiency


MHI Hybrid Turbochargers, received an efficiency award from The Japan Machinery Federation.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Marine Machinery & Engine Co., Ltd. (MHI-MME), has developed a Hybrid Turbocharger, that incorporates high speed generator motor in Mitsubishi MET Turbocharger.  This machinery received the President’s Award for Energy-Efficient Machinery  2015 from Japan Machinery Federation.


Highlights of the machinery:

  • It is the world’s first hybrid turbocharger.
  • The system was developed with contribution from Hitachi Zosen Corporation
  • This latest technology can convert excessive exhaust gas energy of large marine diesel engine into electric power efficiently and flexibly.
  • The machinery can turn into motoring mode so that turbocharger rotor can be accelerated by external electric power.  This is specially useful when the engine is on low load operation where the power consumed by the auxiliary blowers are higher than the hybrid turbochargers, thus making it more energy efficient.
  • It is tested on a large bulk carrier of Japan Marine United Corporation.


Also, the latest Hybrid Turbocharger MET66MAG-VTI with motoring function and variable turbine was successfully developed with the great cooperation of Mitsui Zosen Corporation and Kobe Diesel Co., Ltd. The Turbochargers, which have been operated by Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha, have been installed on the six latest large car carriers built by Shin Kurushima Dockyard Co., Ltd. and Imabari Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.

Video Source: Corporate Video on YouTube

The Full Paper can be accessed HERE