Advanced Security System By SRG and IMSA



SRG Technology partnered with the International Maritime Security Associates (IMSA) has developed a first-of-its-kind Maritime Alerting Security System (MASSTM) which provides the innovative software portal platform — BlenderTM.  It is a combination of maritime threat alerting, security management and compliance system that provides vessels and fleet managers with near real-time, geo-positional threat alerts, security management tools and customized protocols on a single dashboard.

The maritime industry is facing numerous and unique risks such as piracy; maritime terrorism; civil unrest; medical outbreaks; port delays and closures; severe weather; and other maritime hazards.  A maritime security solution that provides vessels with customized threat data in a smarter and more meaningful way securing safer outcomes and lower costs is the need of the hour.  Maritime Alerting Security System(MASSTM) provides that comprehensively.

Veteran maritime security personnel operates the MASS Command Control Center (CCC).  They collect, consolidate, validate and disseminate data sources from around the globe 24X7.  Only relevant threat data is passed on to vessels based on their geo-position location.  The MASS system is providing information not only to vessels, but also to stakeholders such as vessel and fleet management, and ultimately leads to increased vessel security.

MASS allows customized security plans for compliance with various regulatory bodies and vessel protocols allowing ship personnel to seamless identify and respond to threats.  Fleet security personnel can track and manage security for the entire fleet.

“MASS is an exciting application that is going to change how the maritime industry manages risk information and data,” said Corey Ranslem, CEO of International Maritime Security Associates.  “Vessels and ship managers can now receive near real-time risk information to help them better manage their specific risks.”

Source: Reuters