Average Co2 Emissions Decline By 29%


A report released by BSR’s Clean Cargo Working Group (CCWG) has confirmed the decline of average Co2 emissions per container per kilometer for ocean transportation by 29% since 2009.


Today the world of environmentally conscious customers, regulators and consumers has high expectation for the environmental performances of the businesses.  However, there are few forums and fewer standardized data facilitating the companies to keep them abreast with the trends and regulation of environmental performance indicators.  A report released by BSR’s Clean Cargo Working Group (CCWG) throws light on the annual disclosure of   carbon-dioxide-emissions factors for ocean container transport.  The group which is in its 12 years of existence has collected the data from 3,000 vessels for the report.

CCWG consists of 45 members representing 80 percent of ocean container cargo carriers and other customers.  The group is working towards the standardized methodologies and easy-to-use tools to measure key environmental performance indicators.  The report highlighted the best practices among members and suggested a shift to an online reporting system.  The 2015 data analysis shows a decrease of 8.4 percent in carbon dioxide emissions per twenty-foot equivalent (TEU) per kilometer from the previous year and shows a fall of more than 29 percent since 2009.  Along with this, every year, CCWG carriers report offers vessel-specific environmental performance data to BSR through a standard template.  Based on the CCWG CO2 methodology, BSR provides the combined data to shipping customers with individualized carrier scorecards.

While changes happening in the global trade conditions, it is also likely to be responsible for the decrease in CO2 emissions as reflected in the results of the report to reduce the environmental impacts.  The continued performance improvement can also be attributable to carrier fleet efficiency and data quality, both of which have direct benefits for shipping customers.

Source: BSR