BWMC Malfunction Still an Issue?


According to a Riviera Maritime Media article, DNV GL held a series of webinars on ballast water treatment and the Ballast Water Management Convention and polled participants on their readiness and experiences.

Who were the participants?

The number of participants is unknown, but judging by the questions asked at the end of the webinar, most of those taking part were directly involved in purchasing and/or operating ballast water management systems at a fleet or vessel level.

Poll results

Turning to participants in the webinar that had installed ballast water treatment systems, the poll results showed over half the respondents had experienced malfunctions.

Malfunctioning filters was high on the list. One participant reported that it takes four to five hours to clean the filters on his vessel’s unnamed ballast water treatment system followed by only two hours of operation before having to clean the filters again.

The participants were also polled on their readiness for the Ballast Water Management Convention and which type of treatment systems they had installed:

  • UV – 38%
  • Electrolytic – 24%
  • Chemical – 6%
  • Other – 2%
  • Not yet decided – 30%

The surprise result was that at this late stage, nearly a third of the participants had yet to decide on a system to use on their ships.

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Source: Riviera Maritime Media