Coast Guard Issues New NVIC on Ballast Water Management


The U.S. Coast Guard’s offices of Operating and Environmental Standards and Commercial Vessel Compliance reported the availability of Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular 01-18, “Ballast Water Management for Control of Non-Indigenous Species in Waters of the United States,” replacing the earlier NVIC 07-04 of June 17, 2004, as well as 07-04 Change-1 of October 29, 2004

The purpose of NVIC 01-18 is to inform maritime industry and Coast Guard personnel and provide guidance to ensure a more complete understanding of, and maximum compliance with, ballast water management requirements.

NVIC 01-18 provides guidance based on the 2012 ballast water regulatory amendments. In 2016, new compliance dates took effect for regulations that set the implementation schedule for ballast water management discharge standards for both existing and new vessels that use Coast Guard approved Ballast Water Management Systems (BWMS).

Additionally, the regulations incorporated various compliance options for vessel owners or operators (to include masters, agents, and persons in charge).

Vessel masters, owners, operators, agents, or persons-in-charge of U.S. and foreign flag commercial vessels that are equipped with ballast water tanks and operate in waters of the United States must comply with the BWM regulatory requirements.

The Coast Guard encourages shipping agents to assist with the communication and coordination process that takes place before a vessel arrives into a U.S. port. Reminding vessel masters of BWM reporting, operational, and recordkeeping requirements helps ensure efficient compliance verifications during Coast Guard vessel examinations.

Download NVIC 01-18 HERE.

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Source: Marinelog