Ferry Capsized Off Surabaya Port



Accident: Vessel Capsized
Date: 16th November 2015
Vessel Involved: Wihan Sejahtera, Indonesia Ro/Pax Ferry
Location:  A quarter mile off at the port of Surabaya, Indonesia
Casualties: None

On Monday morning, the ro/pax ferry suddenly started taking in water shortly after leaving the port.  Immediately, the Vessel and the crew turned back to the port but the vessel developed a list and capsized a quarter mile off the port.

Nearly 175 people were rescued from the ferry and 25 were taken to the hospital some with bruises and broken bones.  The ro/pax ferry also had over forty heavy trucks and a variety of smaller vehicles on board.

No one was reported missing as of Monday and a local police official told media that he was confident that no one remained unaccounted for.  The Divers have indulged in searching the wreck to know the exact account of losses.

Source: Beritajatim