A New Energy Efficiency Website – IMO



The IMO launched a new website that provides information about energy efficient technologies Glomeep.imo.org .  This website project is intended to cover areas such as machinery, propulsion systems hull improvements and energy recovery.

GloMEEP is a GEF-UNDP-IMO project aimed at supporting the uptake and implementation of energy efficiency measures for shipping, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions from shipping.

The GloMEEP Project is being executed by a dedicated Project Coordination Unit (PCU) established within the Marine Environment Division of IMO.  IMO is a specialized agency responsible for safe, secure and efficient shipping and the prevention of pollution from ships.

GloMEEP supports ten Lead Pilot Countries of the project to implement these measures, through:

  1. Legal, policy and institutional reforms
  2. Awareness raising and capacity-building activities
  3. Establishment of public-private partnerships to encourage technology transfer

The Lead Pilot Countries (LPCs) of the GloMEEP project are:

Argentina, China, Georgia, India, Jamaica, Malaysia, Morocco, Panama, Philippines and South Africa.

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Source: GloMEEP – IMO