Hong Kong to Enforce New Anti-Fouling Regulation



The Story:

In July 2016, Hong Kong announced its enforcement of China’s New Emission Control Area regulations.  Following the air emission regulations, here is something to do with Hong Kong waters.  From January 1, 2017, the Government of Hong Kong will enforce new Merchant Shipping (Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems on Ships) Regulation, CAP 413N.

To Whom it Matters:

The regulation applies to:

  1. All ships registered in Hong Kong regardless of physical location, foreign ships within Hong Kong waters, and local vessels as defined in the Merchant Shipping (Local Vessels) Ordinance, CAP 548.
  2. Vessels of 400 gross tonnage (GT) or more that are subject to the regulation and engaged in international voyages require a valid International Anti-Fouling System Certificate to be carried onboard.
  3. Vessels of 24 meters or more in length that are less than 400 GT and engaged in international voyages do not require certification but must carry a declaration onboard that confirms the ship’s anti-fouling system complies with the regulation and is signed by the owner of the ship or authorized agent.

What the Regulation Prohibits?

The new regulation prohibits the use of organotin compounds as biocides in the antifouling systems on ships, and represents Hong Kong’s implementation of the International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems on Ships 2001.

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Source: Hong Kong Marine Department