Increase In South Korea Maritime Accidents In 2015



The reports citing data from the South Korean Ministry of Public Safety and Security reveal that the number of maritime accidents has doubled during 2015, when compared to the previous three years.


The Government reports state:

  • In the year 2015, a total of 2,740 maritime accidents has occurred in 2015 while the annual average was just above 1,300 in the previous year.
  • Poor maintenance of vessels and equipment is the leading reason which has led to over 850 accidents last year.
  • One other reason – faulty equipment which caused over 670 accidents.

Casualty report:

  • A total of 112 people died/reported missing, resulting in a significant increase over the previous yearly average of 67-85 people in the three year period from 2011-2013.
  • However, compared to the period between 2012 and 2014, the fatality number is lower given the average of 212 in this period, mostly due to the Sewol ferry sinking off South Korea when over 300 people lost their lives.

Hence, in order to keep the situation under control, the Government feels that the establishment of a vessel safety consultative body is necessary.  Adding to it, the South Korean Coast Guard also intends to launch a mobile maritime safety corps in the next three months to have a vigil on necessary safety measures.

Source: Yonhap News Agency