Low Sulfur Emissions – The Bigger Picture



The ports of L.A. and Long Beach, jointly with the California Air Resource Board (CARB), began working on a comprehensive plan to improve air quality in the region in the year 2000.

The plan, named, “San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan” or CAAP emerged as a result of this collaboration.  CARB conducted a public workshop to discuss the development of regulations for ocean-going marine engines.  Utilizing data from a 2005 study of Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM), it was found that Ocean Going Vessels (OGV) contributed 18% to the overall DPM emissions in and around Southern California.  The team concluded that a reduction in speed and the burning of low sulfur marine bunker would significantly reduce DPM and Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) emissions in the region.

California was the first state to enforce low sulfur requirements.  In the year 2008, the state set standards for speed reduction and marine fuel requirements for ocean vessels operating within 25 miles of its territorial waters.

Thus, it was the beginning of the age of slow steaming and low sulfur corridors.  Within a year, the International Maritime Organization also started reviewing and setting a standard for marine fuel and beginning to place territorial restrictions on areas within Europe where use of low sulfur fuel was required.

Currently, Emission Control Areas cover the entire East and West Coast of the United States and throughout the North Sea, Bay of Biscay, Mediterranean, and the Black Sea.  The health benefits from reducing DPM emissions are obvious and ocean carriers want to be ecologically conscious.  However, it would bring additional expense.  Bunker Index quotes the average price of Low Sulfur Marine Gas Oil (LMGO) with 1.5% sulfur as $447 per metric ton while the price of IFO 380 with a sulfur content of 3.5% was only $244.33/MT.

There are two steps in the process of switching from standard bunker to LMGO.  First, the marine lubricant must also be adjusted for the engine to run properly.  Second, Careful blending must be performed.  So in all, the underlying cost of switching main engine bunker to low sulfur fuel adds a significant cost to the voyage.


Recovery of the additional expenses

With regard to how to recover the above additional expenses, there are a few methods.  One way is with Blend on Board – Marine Fuel Oil Technology.  Hamburg, Germany will host the 2016 SMM Trade Fair this September covering everything from Cyber Ships and Maritime Security to advancements in marine lubrication.  Maersk Fluid Technology a subsidiary of the A.P. Moller – Maersk Group and first time exhibitor at SMM, will unveil the latest release of their Blend on Board marine lubrication system.

Blend on Board – technology

Blend on Board or (BoB) is a third generation technology which allows vessels to mix standard marine oil with an alkaline based cylinder oil concentrate to produce a high-grade cylinder lubricant.  Maersk developed this technology in 2008.  The initial blending units were installed in over 200 Maersk vessels.

After a million hours of onboard testing, Maersk Technologies will commercially market the system under the name ‘SEA-Mate’ and will debut the latest models at the September event. The SEA-Mate B 3000 blending unit is designed for use in larger vessels including container ships up to 18,000 TEU.

The advantage

The advantage of the lubricant produced is that it is no longer necessary to adjust cylinder oil feed rates regardless of the sulfur content of the marine fuel.  Using the vessel’s own main engine oil as the base stock, Maersk claims the SEA-Mate system will cut fuel consumption by 1.5% at slow steaming and allow for a 40% reduction in total oil consumption.  Waste oil disposal will be reduced by 80% as the system replenishes fresh system oil as needed and recycles the used oil.  With its ability to operate under all mixtures of marine fuel, engine maintenance is reduced during periods where vessels must operate in Low Sulfur Corridors.

Discharge scrubbers

Hamworthy Krystallon has been testing scrubbing systems.  Various carriers including APL have been testing DPM scrubbers which operate in a loop design neutralizing acid gasses utilizing the carbonate / bicarbonate properties of seawater.  Fitted into the ship’s stacks, the unit filters particulate matter before fuel discharge is released into the air.  Working in conjunction with CARB and the ports of LA and Long Beach APL claims that discharge scrubbers are as effective as low sulfur fuel alternatives.

LNG as fuel

Liquid Natural Gas is being explored as an alternative to MGO and IFO bunker fuel.  The greatest advantage is that LNG is clean burning and produces only water as its byproduct. Until recently, the cost of retrofitting existing vessels for LNG or dual LNG traditional turbine engines has outweighed the advantages.  However, the technology is a viable consideration for new builds.  LNG technology is being deployed by German cruise operator Aida Cruises with the April inauguration of the AidaPrima, the first of two Hyperion Class cruise ships to utilize LNG propulsion systems.  While LNG may be the wave of the future, there are still concerns regarding the stability of the gas and its potential as a fire hazard.  Adia is awaiting approval from the City of Rotterdam as the cruise port is in the heart of the city.


As regard the question of the best solution for reduction in harmful emissions, there are alternatives on the table.  With regard to low sulfur fuels, carriers have indicated they may pass along the additional cost of operation to the cargo owner.  The same may be said for Sea Water Scrubbers and LNG may be a costly alternative to the current marine engine.  It remains to be seen where technology will take the marine fuel industry.  However, this might entail additional costs.

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Source: AJOT


  1. Exhaust gas scrubbers are a really effective way to meet the low sulfur fuel requirements. Currently low sulfur fuel requirements apply only in Emission control areas but come 2012 and the limit of 0.5% sulfur in fuels will be applicable globally. 0.5% percent sulfur fuel will be at at least USD 200 more expensive than 3.5% fuel and will be a huge burden on ship operations. Install scrubbers to meet the requirements and save huge amounts on operational expenses. Initial investments is recovered in 1.5 to 2 years time. I am sure the charterers will be happy to pay additional charter rates for vessels fitted with Exhaust gas scrubbers.

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