RINA Extends Service to Gas Industry


Registro Italiano Navale Extends Service To Gas Industry


RINA, an International classification, certification and engineering group, has extended its services to the global gas industry.  RINA Services has recently approved a new Compressed Natural Gas carrier to aid the exploitation of marginal fields.  D’Appolonia, is delivering geotechnical, social and environmental services to the Mozambique LNG development.

The constantly changing gas market and technology are constantly changing, and RINA Services and D’Appolonia lead those changes.  The first offshore FSRU, the first FLNG project, the first marine CNG ship and the longest offshore pipeline were all delivered with RINA expertise and assistance.

ENI’s Mozambique LNG project was surveyed by D’Appolonia in environmental, geophysical and geotechnical teams, utilizing two jack up platforms, three survey spreads, a mobile field laboratory and over fifty site personnel.  Data will be used for design of the marine facilities of the terminal.

 D’Appolonia is acts as the Independent Environmental and Social Consultant foreseeing the development of offshore production facilities, subsea gas pipelines and onshore LNG processing facilities.

RINA Services has approved in principle the Fincantieri Offshore CNG32000 ship design .

RINA Services develop rules to cover the safety issues related to CNG transportation and cover the most important aspects relevant to the fitness for service.  The design follows the recently issued RINA Rules for the Classification of CNG Carriers and IGF Code.  It is supported by extensive risk assessment studies on the ship safety, safe operations and environmental protection, including collision studies, which are being carried out in the expected areas where the CNG32000 will trade.

Source: Energy Global