Rise in Bunker Quality Issues Due To Contaminated Fuel


  • UK Club reported several bunker quality issues from the delivery of contaminated bunkers.
  • Fuel sampling procedures at the time of delivery were found inadequate and unreliable.
  • Continuous drip sampling throughout bunkering operations is used for commercial and MARPOL samples.
  • Sampling procedures under the bunker supply contract and samples are considered as representative.
  • Ship’s crew attend the barge to ensure that proper sampling procedures take place.
  • Sampling equipment must be checked for cleanliness and should be tamper-proof.
  • BDN is signed by the supplier and the receiving vessel representative.
  • It is considered to be an important document in any dispute resolution.

According to an article published in Safety4sea, the UK Club reported that they see several bunker quality issues from the delivery of alleged off-specification or contaminated bunkers.

Inadequate sampling procedures

In many of these cases fuel sampling procedures on board at the time of delivery have been found inadequate and in many cases unreliable.

In essence, the Club highlights that continuous drip sampling throughout bunkering operations should be used for both Commercial and MARPOL Samples and should be carried out at a single mutually agreeable and monitored location.

Issues arise due to sampling locations

It is reported that the issues are due to the availability of two locations for sampling – one at the receiving vessels manifold and the other at the bunker barge’s manifold. While the MARPOL Convention (and consequently the MARPOL sample) clearly identifies the bunker manifold of the receiving vessel as the appropriate location for sampling, ISO 13739 (which provides guidance on Commercial sampling) states from either end of the bunker hose.

The commercial sample used as evidence

As bunker sampling is a crucial operation, it should be reminded that the Commercial sample is used as evidence in disputes over the quality of the fuel and the MARPOL sample provides evidence to the Flag States and Port States regarding adherence to the MARPOL requirements.

In the majority of bunkering ports, the Chief Engineer is provided with the samples drawn onboard the bunker barge. The Club notes that this is the routine in most cases, as the agreed sampling procedure under the bunker supply contract and these samples are considered as representative and also the binding sample for any potential commercial disputes. If this is the case, it is important that a senior representative from the ship’s crew attends the barge to ensure that proper sampling procedures are taking place at all times.

Sample equipment checked for cleanliness

Sampling equipment should be checked for cleanliness and should be tamper-proof. All samples collected must be sealed and retained in the presence of both the supplier and the ship’s representative.

When the bunkering operation is completed, the supplier provides the bunker delivery note; It is important to note that only representative and witnessed sample seal numbers are referenced in the BDN and that the bunker samples themselves are properly labeled and the numbers match up with the BDN.

A dispute regarding the quality of fuel analysis

In addition, the BDN is signed by the supplier and the receiving vessels representative and this becomes an important document in any dispute resolution.

However, if a dispute arises concerning the quality of the fuel analysis of the sample retained by the supplier is carried out (in most cases jointly at a mutually agreed laboratory). During this analysis, it is important to carry out testing of all ISO 8217 fuel parameters so that the supplier’s sample can be finger-printed / traced back to the actual fuel received on board.

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Source: Safety4sea