Top 15 Reasons for Food Poisoning onboard



Food Safety is a basic requirement in the prevention of food related problems on board ships.

Although clean and well maintained catering spaces give a good impression, food safety is more than cleanliness.  Therefore everybody has to know aspects of Food Safety and how food can get poisoned.  Here are the top 15 reasons identified for food poisoning.

Main reasons for food poisoning are :

  1. Undercooking – Ensure that food is thoroughly cooked ! – e.g. juices from poultry and joints of meat should run clear !
  2. Unsafe temperatures to keep prepared food.
  3. Preparation of food to far in advance and stored at room temperature.
  4. Cooling food too slowly before refrigeration.
  5. Unsafe temperature in refrigerator and freezer.
  6. Bad way to keep food in the refrigerator: uncovered raw food, raw food together with or above prepared dishes.
  7. Unsafe temperature to keep hot food (below 63°Celsius).
  8. Bad personal hygiene.
  9. Dirty counters, cutting boards, knifes and small appliances.
  10. Dirty dishes and utensils.
  11. Infected food handlers with infectious diseases, wounds, ulcers or diarrhoea.
  12. Defrost at room temperature or in warm water.
  13. Bad control and hygiene on pests and vermin.
  14. Bad disposal of waste.
  15. Cleaning products, detergents and other chemicals stored near food.

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