Transgender Woman’s Story To Help Others



The recent honor to Caitlyn Jenner, in Glamour Magazine’s Women of the year award, raised awareness of the Transgender community.  But many say a lot of work still needs to be done.

Serena Daniari, a local transgender woman, is hoping her story will help others.

  • Serena is a twin and was also born a man.
  • She grew in Dallas, and couldn’t express what she felt inside easy.
  • After several years, she underwent a gender confirmation surgery with the help of Dr. Harrison Lee,  the same plastic surgeon who helps Kaitlyn Jenner in her transformation.
  • With eight surgeries in 14 months, she stepped publicly in the social media – what it’s been like to be a transgender woman in the online dating world.
  • Daniari is now a spokesperson for AOL’s Built by Girls campaign, an online movement designed to empower women in the workplace.

Source: Fox 5 NY News