World’s First Guide For SOx Scrubber Ready Vessels



Classification society ABS has come up with the world’s first guide for SOx scrubber ready vessels.  This comes at a time when more emphasis is laid on greener or zero emission technologies in the marine sector.  The guide will be useful for member companies intending to go in for new builds or for retrofitting SOx exhaust gas cleaning system (EGCS).  The SOx Scrubber Ready notation is said to have come in addition to ABS’ existing EGCS notations.

ABS Chief Technology Officer and Senior Vice President, Howard Fireman, is quoted to have said:

”The decision to build a new ship or retrofit an existing one is not simple due to uncertainty with the entry into force of the 0.50 percent global sulfur limit and cleaner fuel alternatives such as LNG (liquid natural gas).  The new ABS SOx Scrubber Ready notation provides a unique approach to future-proof assets, to implement cost-effective retrofits and to demonstrate a commitment to environmental performance.”

ABS released their second edition of Bunkering of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)-fueled Marine Vessels in March this year.

Source: ABS