16 Stranded Seafarers Under Stress, Crew Change Required At the Earliest



  • The fate of 16 Indian sailors of a cargo ship stranded outside a Chinese port for six months remain uncertain.
  • China remains noncommittal about when their ordeal would end.
  • The ship ‘MV Anastasia’ has been on anchorage near Caofeidian port in northern China since September 20, waiting to discharge its cargo. The ship is carrying Australian coal.
  • This is the second Indian ship to suffer such a fate.
  • Another ship “Jag Anand” with 23 Indian sailors, after a six-month-long wait to unload its Australian coal cargo had to travel to a Japanese port to change the stranded crew.
  • All these incidents are due to the refusal by Chinese officials citing Covid-19 protocols.

A recent news article published in the Times of India, reveals the difficult times of seafarers who have been stranded in China for past six months.

China replies to India’s request

When asked how long China would take to permit the ship to unload the cargo?

The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin told a media briefing that Chinese officials are in close touch with the Indian side by “replying timely to the Indian side’s requests” and providing practical suggestions of a crew change.

“We have been providing necessary convenience and assistance to the Indian side in accordance with our COVID-19 protocols,” he said but gave no indication when the ship would be permitted to unload the cargo.

Reason for delay in permission to crew change unknown

It is not clear why China is delaying permission for the ships to unload cargo.

Earlier, Wang denied that there is no link between the situation of Indian crew on two stranded ships at Chinese ports and its strained relations with India and Australia.

Strained relationship between Australia and China

Relations between Australia and China in the past few months nose-dived after Canberra barred Chinese telecom giant Huawei Technologies from its national 5G network over national security concerns.

China calls for international inquiry

China also resented Canberra’s push for an international inquiry into the origins of the coronavirus in April. Reports from Australia say China has been restricting a number of Australian exports, including coal.

Fate of Jag Anand

Meanwhile, ‘Jag Anand’ which changed its crew at a Japanese port reportedly returned to join the queue to unload its cargo at Jingtang port.

The shipping company reportedly spent over $1 million to arrange crew change through Japan.

Steps taken by Indian Embassy

Indian embassy is continuously following up with both the shipping company as well as with the relevant Chinese authorities.

The main aim is to ensure the well-being of the crew as well as to facilitate this matter further.

Seafarers deeply affected

  • One staff member attempts suicide in recent weeks.
  • Another member dislocates his wrist.

Anastasia’s crew of 18, which comprises 16 Indian nationals, one Russian and one Filipino, are now entering their 21st consecutive month at sea.

An assessment by a UK-based psychiatrist, arranged by the vessel’s operator MSC Shipmanagement, concluded that “most of the crew are suffering from anxiety and depression issues”, Singh says.

Still Anastasia is one of many vessels facing the tough situation.

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Source: Times of India