1st January 2017 – MFM on Bunker Barge – Is Singapore Geared Up?



The Story:

On or after 1st January 2017, all bunker barges supplying fuel in the port of Singapore should supply through Mass Flow Meters (MFM).  With just 15 more days to go, aren’t we curious to know an update on it?

So, what is the Update?

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore has approved 130 out of 149 marine fuel oil bunker tankers to deliver bunkers by mass flow meters.  “This translates to approximately 87% of the fleet of bunker tankers carrying MFO,” Platts reported.

MPA added that four more barges have been scheduled for tests from this week to the end of the year.  Of the 149 bunker barges, 18 are dual product bunker tankers, carrying both marine fuel oil and marine gasoil.  Additionally, there are 74 marine gasoil tankers, bringing the total number of registered bunker tankers in Singapore to 223.

“The industry estimate of 150 fuel oil barges is very close to MPA’s figure [of 149], and the 130 approved [fuel oil] barges are enough for bunker deliveries next year”.

“I believe we could see a little more over 130 approved barges with mass flow meters by the end of the year.  Singapore is on track in implementing MFM bunkering,” said International Bunker Industry Association regional manager Simon Neo.

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Source: Platts Bunker World