Fire Onboard Cargo Ship! Containers Of ‘Hazardous Materials’ Among Dozens That Went Overboard


Container ship lost some 40 containers overboard some 30 nm off Vancouver island in the afternoon Oct 22, reports Vancouversun.

What happened?

Container ship lost some 40 containers overboard some 30 nm off Vancouver island in the afternoon Oct 22, understood while under way, approaching Juan de Fuca Strai en route from Busan Korea to Vancouver

The vessel encountered rough seas west of the Strait of Juan de Fuca at 12:49 a.m. and listed to one side, causing 40 containers to go overboard.

At least two of lost containers contain combustible hazmat, as well as two crushed containers on cargo deck. Number of collapsed, destroyed or damaged containers on deck is unknown. The ship reached Victoria and was anchored at around 1800 UTC Oct 22.

Fire broke out

It was reported that upon that vessel, a fire broke out Saturday morning at 11 a.m. amongst damaged containers onboard.

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Source: Vancouversun