2 LNG Facility Resumes Limited Exports


Russia’s Sakhalin 2 LNG facility in the far east has resumed exports, though one of its two production lines has yet to come fully online, says an article published in MontelNews.

About the vessels

The first LNG vessel – the Amur River – had departed the facility, though “post-shutdown commissioning” was continuing on the second production line, it said. 

The Amur River vessel left the port on Saturday, earmarked for the Yanai LNG terminal in Japan, according to iGIS/LNG data. 

Two further vessels had also since departed – on Sunday and Tuesday – with destinations yet to be specified, the data showed. 

This comes at a time of surging gas prices globally and especially tight demand for the fuel in Asia and Europe. 

Front-month delivery on the Pacific benchmark JKM stood at USD 17.48/MMbtu (EUR 50.70/MWh), compared with EUR 47.37/MWh for the equivalent contract on the Dutch TTF. 

LNG production

The facility is capable of producing 11.5m tonnes of LNG per year, equivalent to 15.6bcm of natural gas. Its main customers are Japan, South Korea and China. 

Sakhalin Energy took the whole facility offline for annual maintenance in July, the first time both production trains entered maintenance simultaneously, the company said at the time. 

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Source: Montelnews