2nd Imarest Ballast Water Technology Asia Conference


Impending Ratification: Challenges, Concerns and Solutions

ChairmanDr. Stephan Gollasch, Senior Scientist, GoConsult

Dr. Stephan Gollasch, Senior Scientist, GoConsult

The ratification of the Ballast Water Convention and its associated implications represents the biggest change and challenge to face the shipping industry in more than a generation.

With the recent spate ratifications, entry into force moves ever closer, with a date towards the end of 2016 a real possibility.  Despite this a great deal of uncertainty remains over a number of issues: IMO vs USCG regulations, approval of systems, testing and compliance as well as planning necessary vessel retrofit, to name a few.

With ratification finally expected in the next 12 months, this event will address these key issues and more through case study presentations, interactive panel discussions and workshops.

Conference highlights

  • Learn how to plan and execute the right ballast water strategy for your company
  • The shipping industries response to developments in ballast water regulation and their implications
  • A review of ballast water treatment system type approval methods
  • Discover how far ballast water treatment system providers are progressing towards gaining approval
  • Port State control – testing and compliance.  Find out what you need to know

Watch out for MFAME’s exclusive updates from the conference.

Attending the event?

Join us at the Singapore Atrium – Holiday Inn.

Main Events Page: Imarest