348 Ships Transited Through The Suez Canal



In July 2015, before the inauguration of the New Suez Canal, the average daily number of transiting vessels was 47 ships, with an average load of 2.758 m tonnes per day.

During the past week (from 27 November to 3 December), 348 ships transited with a mean load of 56,533 tonnes (56,567 tons the previous week) with a total load of 19.680 m tonnes.

Two weeks ago 320 vessels transited the canal, carrying a total load of 18,101 m tonnes.

About 50 ships (46 ships last week) transited the canal daily, with an average load of 2.8 m tonnes (2.6 m last week) per day.

The number of ships that passed through the new channel coming from the east through the southern entrance was about 193 ships, a daily average of 28 vessels, with total loads of 11.59 m tonnes, a daily average of 1.655 m tonnes.

The following table shows traffic through the Suez Canal between 27 November and 3 December:

Total Loads


North South  Total No. of  Ships




No. of Ships Loads No. of Ships Loads
2544118 15 646187 28 1897931 43 Friday
3325790 22 1344125 33 1981665 55 Saturday
2727013 29 1,263,310 31 1463703 60 Sunday
1985511 24 1080254 18 905257 42 Monday
2901948 27 1601003 24 1300915 51 Tuesday
2757874 17 947858 29 1810017 46 Wednesday
3438238 21 1207743 30 2230496 51 Thursday
19680492 155 8090480 193 11589984 348 Total
2811499 22.14286 1155783 27.57143 1655712 49.71429


Source: Daily News Egypt