4 Quick Tips to Get the Most Out of Every Lubricant!


Any lubricant wasted is waste of money.  Thus it is essential to optimize the use of lubricants and ensure you get the most out of it.

1. Don’t change the oil – filter it!

Water or particle contamination rarely necessitates an oil change – unless the contamination has resulted in additive depletion or base oil degradation.  These contaminants can be removed from hydraulic fluid by filtration.  Viswa Lab’s lubricant testing program identifies additive depletion or base oil degradation and raises flag when an equipment requires an oil change.


2. Eliminate Particle Contamination to reduce Breakdowns.

Viswa Lab’s experience in lubricant condition monitoring has shown that maintaining fluid cleanliness at ISO 4406 – 16/14/11 will result in a tenfold increase in the average time between breakdowns when compared with a fluid cleanliness level of 24/22/19.  However, these are subject to strict monitoring of oil quality and reporting of marine machinery breakdowns.


3. And Extend Fluid Life!

Particle contamination reduces the service life of hydraulic oil by stripping additives and promoting oxidation.  Additives attach to particles, which are then removed by the filters or settle to the bottom of the reservoir.  Wear metal caused by particle abrasion is a catalyst for fluid oxidation.  Thus more the particles and wear metals, more the additives get depleted.  This is very predominant in diesel generator engine crankcase oils as you can witness the TBN decreases and thus the viscosity and density of the oil increases.


4. Keep it cool!

Elevated operating temperatures increase the rate at which the oil oxidizes and this decreases its service life.  By-products of the oil oxidation process – varnish and sludge, can cause reliability issues such as valve spool stiction and filter clogging.


To get the most out of your lubricant, get it tested at Viswa Lab and know its condition and fitness for further use.

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Image Credits: Machinery Lubrication