Captain Overboard! Crazy Accident Onboard


  • Master of Malaysian container ship Harbour Neptune met with a strange accident and was reported missing.
  • The Master was found alive floating in water in a life jacket following SAR launched by MMEA.
  • The crew including Master were put under a new 14-day quarantine after the accident.

Master of Malaysian container ship Harbour Neptune met with a strange accident, writes Mikhail Voytenko for Maritime Bulletin.

Master missing!

Master of Malaysian container ship Harbour Neptune was reported missing on April 19 by the crew. The ship was en route from Pasir Gudang to Port Klang, Malaysia, Malacca Strait.

The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) launched SAR following which the Master was found alive, floating in water in a life jacket, after 18 hours of being in water.

What happened and how the Master fell overboard at around 2200 LT Apr 18, wearing life jacket, still remains unexplained.

Ship under quarantine

Investigation is launched into the incident. The crew including Master, is said to be locked on board since March 18, but with that, not Master, nor crew, showed positive virus test. They all nevertheless, were put under a new 14-day quarantine, after the accident.

The number of strange or plain crazy accidents on board of ships, after virus paranoia infected the world, is on the rise, with some accidents being something unheard of before, in peaceful times of sanity.

Piracy and crime are also on the rise. Containment of coronavirus has become a global disaster with devastating consequences.

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Source: Maritime Bulletin