Governments To Allow Seafarers’ Emergency Medical Treatment Ashore!



  • In violation to the provisions of MLC 2006, there have recently been several cases where seafarers were denied their legal right to medical treatment due to COVID-19 restrictions.
  • In this regard, maritime social partners, JNG and ITF, urgently called on governments to step up and not use the COVID-19 to refuse seafarers’ human rights.

The International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) and Joint Negotiating Group (JNG) have called on governments to respect the rights of seafarers to emergency medical treatment ashore, reports Safety4sea.

With restrictions across the globe on seafarers coming ashore due to the COVID-19 pandemic the JNG and ITF have highlighted cases where even seafarers requiring urgent medical attention have been denied to come ashore.

Case 1

According to ITF data, one case involved a seafarer who suddenly had an overwhelming, sharp pain in his left eye which progressively got worse to the point that he was sensitive to light.

The vessel consulted an ophthalmologist who had concerns for the seafarer’s sight and recommended immediate medical evacuation for appropriate treatment. Unfortunately, the local Indonesian port authorities refused the seafarer to be disembarked despite the efforts made by the port agent, the P&I Club and the embassy.

After strong intervention by the ITF affiliate in Indonesia, Kesatuan Pelaut Indonesia (KPI),the port authorities in Morowali, Indonesia, finally agreed for the seafarer to disembark and receive medical care.

Case 2

Indonesian authorities also rejected multiple requests for an emergency medical evacuation needed to save the life of a seafarer on board a vessel off the island of Sumatra. The seafarer exhibited signs of a stroke including confusion, confused speech, pain under left shoulder, left arm and leg paralysis.

A doctor from Global Voyager Assistance confirmed that the seafarer should immediately be sent to a hospital for treatment as this was potentially a life and death situation. Alarmingly, the local port authorities refused two requests from the Master for medical evacuation due to COVID-19 restrictions.

ITF affiliates, the Seafarers Union of Russia and the KPI in Indonesia actively intervened with the responsible authorities in Russia and Indonesia, and supported by the ITF and the respective UN agencies including the ILO and IMO, were able to get the seafarer disembarked and taken to a hospital after almost four days since the initial request was made.

List of recommendations by IMO

Earlier, IMO also issued a Preliminary List of Recommendations to Governments and National Authorities on the Facilitation of Maritime Trade during the COVID-19 pandemic which requests governments and national authorities to:

  • Consider temporarily restricting shipboard personnel to the ship while in port (except or until the situation permits otherwise) unless disembarking as part of a crew change or to receive emergency medical attention not available on board the ship.
  • Provide seafarers access to emergency medical treatment ashore in the event of medical emergencies.

Governments cannot use the current coronavirus to refuse seafarers’ human rights as enshrined in international and national legislation.

The maritime social partners, the JNG and the ITF, urgently call on governments to step up and respect seafarers’ right to medical care and treatment.

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Source: Safety4sea