Studies Highlight LBM and LSM As Viable Bunker Fuel



  • SEA-LNG released the latest in its series of independently conducted reports.
  • It analyses the availability and costs of Liquefied Bio Methane (LBM) and Liquefied Synthetic Methane (LSM).
  • They are available in sufficient quantities to make a contribution towards future decarbonization.
  • Costs need not be significantly higher than those of other low- and zero-carbon fuels.
  • They are commercially competitive relative to other low- and zero-carbon fuels.

According to an article published in Manifold Times, the global multi-sector industry coalition SEA-LNG on Wednesday (25 March) released the latest in its series of independently conducted reports.

CE Delft study

The CE Delft study analyses the availability and costs of Liquefied Bio Methane (LBM) and Liquefied Synthetic Methane (LSM) and concludes that both could become available in sufficient quantities to make a contribution towards future decarbonization for the shipping industry and that the costs need not be significantly higher than those of other low- and zero-carbon fuels.

The study explores the potential availability and cost of LBM and LSM produced from renewable electricity with the aim of providing industry-leading, timely, and proven analysis to support the growing case for LBM and LSM in driving forward LNG as a decarbonization solution towards 2030, 2050, and beyond, said  SEA-LNG.

LBM and LSM are scalable solutions

The findings are that both LBM and LSM are scalable solutions for the maritime sector, with estimated sustainable global supplies potentially exceeding the demands of shipping in the future, and likely to be commercially competitive relative to other low- and zero-carbon fuels.

Further, the growing LNG-fuelled fleet could use LBM or LSM without requiring major modifications, and the existing supply infrastructure will remain fit for bunkering purposes with either fuel.

An extensive review of the global availability

The study was conducted by independent research and consultancy organization CE Delft and commissioned by SEA-LNG.

Based on an extensive review of the global availability of biomass, and the maturity of technologies to produce biomethane and synthetic methane, we conclude that, in principle, sufficient amounts could be produced to fuel the shipping sector, Dagmar Nelissen, Senior Researcher, CE Delft.

However, other sectors are also likely to demand methane, and there need to be significant investments in production capacity.

Biomethane energy to increase

Analysis of the global sustainable biomass resource shows that biomethane from energy crops, agricultural residues, forestry products, and residues could significantly exceed the global total energy demand of the maritime sector.

The sustainable potential for LBM could be substantially higher in 2050 compared to 2030, even when excluding aquatic biomass, which has the potential to play a dominant role in the long term.

The production costs of LBM and LSM could be broadly comparable to other renewable fuels like green hydrogen and ammonia.

Advantages of LBM and LSM

Compared to those fuels, LBM and LSM have the advantage that they can be transported, stored, and bunkered, utilizing existing and technically matured LNG infrastructure.

The shipping industry faces unprecedented challenges if it is to meet the IMO’s decarbonization targets, commented Peter Keller, Chairman, SEA-LNG.

Confusing and countering claims abound for different zero-emissions technologies – all of which require decades of research and development before they are proven safe for marine operations, globally available, and commercially viable. In combination, the studies we have commissioned definitely proves that, through LBM and LSM, LNG offers a clear pathway to net-zero carbon emissions from shipping while also future-proofing ship owners’ investments.

He added, By investing in LNG-fuelled vessels now, ship owners can realize immediate GHG benefits – up to 21% on a Well-to-Wake basis and 28%, Tank-to-Wake, including the impact of methane emissions. These LNG-based assets can use non-fossil fuel methane such as LBM and LSM with little to no modifications. As LBM and LSM become available at scale, the carbon-free future will become reality.

YOu can read more about the report from here.

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Source: ManifoldTimes