TOC Digital: Webinar on ‘Accelerating Digitalization’


TOC Digital invites all to “Accelerating Digitalization” – the second of TOC Digital’s three-part ‘DEEP TECH’ webinar series.


The threat of cybersecurity is often ranked as the #1 concern amongst maritime executives, and how the industry deals with existing and emerging cyber-attacks without impeding the flow of trade is incredibly complicated.

But how do we combat a risk that is constantly evolving and becoming more complex and resilient?

As digitalization takes hold and the industry becomes more connected, vulnerabilities are often highlighted, and organizations left potentially exposed to an attack.

The COVID-19 pandemic has of course accelerated digital and remote operations leading to increased risk, with an astonishing 400% rise in attempted hacks reported since February 2020.

The information security market is valued at $112 billion and is rising year on year. With billions of dollars now being funneled into start-up technologies, this is a clear indication of the vital importance organizations and investors are now placing upon the need to protect their digital assets.

Building upon the discussions from the first webinar where the opportunities of the Internet of Things were discussed, this second webinar will deep dive into the ongoing cyber-security debate and bring clarity to this often complex but vital subject.

Panel Members

  • Gadi Bensmonshe, CIO of Israel Port Company,
  • Dr. Carmit Yadin, CEO & Co-Founder of Arcusteam,
  • Roi Mit, Chief Marketing Officer of Regulus Cyber and
  • Pascal Ollivier, President of Maritime Street

Accelerating Digitalization: Cyber Security

Date: July 15, 2020
Time: 14:00 BST | 15:00 CET | 21:00 SGT
Duration: 90-minutes

Key Talking Points

  • Grasp what cybersecurity means in the context of the acceleration of digitalization
  • Learn how the industry is looking to deal with existing & emerging cyber-attacks
  • Understand the need for collaboration and partnerships amongst key players to prevent supply chain risk
  • Find out where the key cyber risks in the maritime logistics chain are – and the current state of play
  • Discover how a ‘Risk-aware‘ culture is built and how to successfully implement it.

Register for the free webinar here

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Source: TOC Digital