Offshore Vessel Under Violent Pirate Attack


  • An offshore supply vessel was reportedly attacked offshore Mexico on Friday, July 24.
  • The incident was described as a “violent armed boarding and robbery of personal belongings.”

Pirates attack another Offshore Vessel in Mexico, writes Bartolomej Tomic for OE Digital.

Offshore vessel attacked 

An offshore supply vessel was reportedly attacked offshore Mexico on July 24.

On July 27, the maritime safety intelligence company Dryad said that the offshore supply vessel Natalie was boarded while conducting operations in the vicinity of the ODIN Offshore platform 12nm NE of Coatzacoalcos.

It is understood that the vessel was boarded early morning within hours of darkness. A channel 16 broadcast received from the vessel stated “We would like to inform you that at this moment pirates are getting on board the ship NATALIE which is near the ODIN platform,” Dryad said.

Violent armed boarding

According to Dryad, the crew were subjected to a violent armed boarding and robbery of personal belongings but it was still unknown if there was any personnel injured, kidnapped or any theft of cargo.

Dryad said that 2020 has seen a significant increase in maritime crime and piracy in the waters offshore the Campeche, Tabasco, and Veracruz states in Mexico.

Armed criminal groups have been targeting commercial vessels, oil platforms, and offshore supply vessels in the Bay of Campeche area in the southern Gulf of Mexico.

The US Maritime Administration recently issued a warning about the dangers in the region, detailing such events, and actions to be taken in the event of piracy and armed robbery incidents in the region.

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Source: OE Digital