EU Launches COVID19 Cruise Guidance


EU issues new guidance policy to re-start the cruise ship operations with minimum measures along with general safety and security.

The guidance is for EU/EEA flagged ships operating in international voyages and for ships calling at an EU/EEA port irrespective of flag.

The rise in covid 19 cases is visible all across the world and operation of shipping industry comes to a stall due to this pandemic.  To ensure the facilitation of re-starting the operation, EU issues a new guidance in its official website for the safety of the crew and passengers.

The non-exhaustive list of subjects to be considered while including the shipboard operations in the plan are:

  1. Information and communciation
  2. Physical distancing
  3. Hand hygiene
  4. Health screening
  5. Use of personal protective equipment
  6. Cleaning and disinfection
  7. Persons going ashore and re-embarking
  8. Spaces with special consideration
  9. Emergency procedures
  10. Waste management
  11. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning systems (HVAC)
  12. Handling of visitors, pilot, etc.

Precautionary measures 

Before starting a voyage, cruise ship operators should ensure, with the ports of call along the route, that, if needed, they can make arrangements for passengers and crew members to receive medical treatment and that repatriations and crew changes can be organised.

In the event that a possible, probable or confirmed case of COVID-19 is identified on board (see ECDC annex for case definitions), the ship should be diverted to the nearest port where testing for SARS-CoV-2 can take place.

The local public health authorities can be consulted to further manage the situation including the provision of specialist care, and where necessary, carrying out contact tracing.

The Company should establish procedures to respond to a potential COVID-19 outbreak  and establish programmes for drills and exercises to prepare for such an outbreak.

For more details please visit Covid 19 guidance for cruise ship operations

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Source: ECDC