Panama Stopping Extensions of Seafarers Employment Agreement


According to a BIMCO report, the Panama Maritime Authority (PMA) will continue to extend the Seafarer’s Employment Agreement (SEA) until 14 September 2020.

Thereafter, the provisions of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC,2006) as incorporated into the national legislation will have to be complied with.

Cessation of Extensions

The PMA has revised MN 03/2020 issuing version 3 making a clear stand, a date of cessation to the grant of extension to the SEAs initially done to take into account of the COVID-19 restrictions imposed worldwide making crew changes in particular repatriation of seafarers, a challenging operation.

As per revised 6.1 of the said PMA Notice, the extension will be granted until 14 September 2020. Seafarers that are subject to these extensions shall be repatriated as a prescribed Standard A2.5.1.2(b) of the MLC 2006,

The PMA strongly encourages all Authorities to allow for crew changes at the earliest opportunity so as seafarers repatriation to their homes could be achieved.  

After September 14, 2020,  the PMA will return to compliance with the provisions of Executive Decree No. 86 of February 22, 2013 and MMC-262.

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Source: BIMCO