Dr. Vis Blog


Hello  Dear Reader!

I can almost hear your weary reaction “Here comes one more Blog writer, don’t they have anything better to do?”

I can answer for my case. I do have many better things to do. I have still chosen to start writing blogs because:

1.One can go on learning and learning. There comes a time when there is an inner urge to share the knowledge and experience. Sharing means giving or parting with the knowledge asset that you possess. It is said that the highest form of giving is the giving of knowledge.

2. Knowledge transfer is not easy. All data is not knowledge. All knowledge is not intelligence. All intelligence is not wisdom. The writer of the Blog hopes to pass on his wisdom to those who care to read the Blog.

3. These are busy days. There is so much information floating around. No one has time or the inclination to gather a lot of information, collate it, identify a train of thought, and then arrive at a piece of profound wisdom. Blog writers may help you get there quickly. Not all, I admit. I certainly hope I will make at least a small contribution to your wisdom. At least, this is the fond hope in starting this blog-writing adventure!!

I have been writing “Technical Updates” for many years, hundreds of them. These deal mainly with technical matters concerning ships, marine engines, bunker fuels, etc. It has been suggested to me, more than once, that I should write also on other topics. Topics that attracted my attention, topics that got me fired up, topics where my comments may be of great use to the Blog reader.

This is what I propose to do to the best of my ability.

I invite you, dear reader, to send your comments, add your wisdom, correct me where I am wrong so that the Blogs will be of some benefit in widening the horizon of knowledge, broadening the mind, and get the reader thinking outside of his narrow field of interest.

I pray to God to give me the wisdom and the ability to communicate with you effectively so that you will find these Blogs interesting and useful and worth your time.

– Dr.Ram Vis

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