Idle Containership Fleet Soared to New High


Alphaliner says that idling of containerships across the global fleet has soared to new high in 2015 reaching 500,000 TEU capacity mark.


Alphaliner, the market analyst in its latest data, reports that the idle containership fleet has hit a year high, closing in on the 500,000 teu in a capacity mark.  In its weekly newsletter, the analyst reveals that idle fleet of vessels over 500 TEU exceeded 100,000 TEU reaching 175 vessels with 484,000 teu capacity on 24 August.

Nine large idle ships in the 8,500 – 13,900 teu range in the Asia-Europe trade route is also affected as lines blanked sailings.

The number of idle vessels from all segments has increased.  The 48 smaller idle vessels ranging from 1,000 – 2,000 teu are at an 11-month high.

Vessels in 2000-3000 range remains unchanged.

Reason for increased idleness:

  • Continuous fall in softening of charter rates despite rising activity.

The report says that “The lacklustre demand is expected to worsen further in October: linked to the end of the peak season, more planned sailing cancellations and upcoming service suspensions are expected to push up idle vessel figures.”

Source: Seatrade