Local Crew Disappointed for Using Foreign Crew in Antarctic Mission


  • Australian seafarers disappointed after MPV Everest is sailing to Antarctica once again with a foreign crew.
  • They urge the Federal Government to intervene and ensure an Australian crew is utilised for the vessel’s next Antarctic mission.
  • Maritime Union of Australia says, it has always been and continues to be supportive of the engagement of Australian seafarers to work onboard the MPV Everest.
  • However it said the decision was made by vessel operator Maritime Construction Services.

A recent news article published in the Mirage News reveals that seafarers are let down by government inaction to have local crew on MPV Everest for upcoming Antarctic mission.

What Maritime Union of Australia says?

MUA Branch Secretary Jason Campbell said it was outrageous that the taxpayer-funded Antarctic mission was utilising a foreign crew at a time when highly experienced Australian seafarers were available and desperate to undertake the work.

“The government needs to inform MCS and Kuiper International that this ship must be crewed by Australian Seafarers on the next voyage,” Mr Campbell said.

Using foreign crew disadvantageous 

Use of foreign crew continues to pose a significant threat to safety and the environment.

It is not too late for the Federal Government to intervene, ensuring skilled local seafarers are on board for subsequent voyages of the MPV Everest.

Right now, there are seafarers in Tasmania with all the requisite training and experience ready to join the MPV Everest.

All that is needed is for the Federal Government to tell MCS that they must use a local crew to undertake this critical work in Antarctica.

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Source: Mirage News