Shipping Needs To Attract & Retain More Women


The European shipping continues to advocate the enhanced participation of women in European shipping, says an article published in ECSA website.

Women in European shipping

The European social partners for Maritime Transport, the European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA) and the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF), continue to advocate the enhanced participation of women in European shipping.

Women in shipping industry

Participation and leadership

On International Women’s Day,the EUSA and ETF are launching a survey that will help them determine the current state of women’s employment in the sector and assess women seafarers’ needs, a first step of an EU-funded project to increase women’s participation in the shipping industry.

UN Women theme

The UN Women theme this year is “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world.” 

The pandemic has confirmed that women are on the front line of ensuring the undisturbed flow of global trade and playing crucial roles in shaping an equal future of recovery and prosperity.

Women in Transport – EU platform for change

ECSA and ETF issued a joint declaration of intention to enhance participation of women in European Shipping in November 2018. Both have joined the European Commission’s “Women in Transport – EU platform for change” initiative to strengthen women’s employment in the transport sector.

EU co-funded WESS project 

Social partners have turned their commitments to action with a joint EU co-funded WESS project that aims to contribute to an Attractive, Smart and Sustainable Working Environment in the EU shipping sector and will support the work towards job creation, growth and the sector’s competitiveness, particularly important as the sector seeks to recover from the effects of Covid-19, by attracting and retaining more women both ashore and at sea.

ECSA President 

Claes Berglund, ECSA President says, ”Active engagement by both men and women and getting the message out through ambassadors and champions, is the strongest method of promoting the industry to other women. The shipping industry needs to become more diverse, inclusive, resilient and digital and it needs to happen now”.

The EFT is proud to be working alongside ECSA to ensure that the voices of women seafarers and women in maritime are at the heart of projects to support the recruitment and retention of more women into maritime,“ says Debbie Cavaldoro, ETF lead on the project WESS project.

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Source : ECSA