MPA Singapore Revises The Number of Persons Onboard Pleasure Craft


Revision of a number of persons onboard Pleasure Craft in the Port of Singapore, says an article on MPA.
1. This Port Marine Circular (PMC) supersedes PMC 16 of 2021 on 06 May 2021 and updates the number of persons allowed on board pleasure craft from 16 May 2021 to 13 June 2021.
2. All pleasure craft operators, owners, and masters are reminded to ensure that they comply with the measures stipulated in the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures)(Control Order) Regulations 2020, and implement these measures in relation to person boarding
and on the craft.
3. These measures include implementing contact tracing procedures such as Trace Together-only SafeEntry(TT-only SE)for all persons who board the pleasure craft. If TT-only is not implemented, the craft owner/operator/master must maintain a record of the passenger and crew manifest
1. Persons onboard should be encouraged to install and use the TraceTogether application or token.
2. In addition, temperature screening, and checks on visible respiratory symptoms
3. Must be conducted before any person boards the craft. Persons with a fever or who display any visible respiratory symptoms must not be allowed to board the craft and should be advised to seek medical attention immediately. Every individual must wear a mask at
all times except in circumstances prescribed in the COVID -19 (Temporary Measures)
(Control Order) Regulations 2020…

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Source: MPA