Bulk Carrier Seized Following A Collision With Fishing Boat



Accident : Collision
Date : 1st October 2015
Vessels Involved : Highny, a bulk carrier and a small fishing vessel
Location : Japan Sea
Casualties : 5 Fishermen injured
Pollution : Nil

The South-Korean bulk carrier was enroute from Russia to Taiwan when it collided with a North-Korean fishing boat.  The crew, in fear of the political tension between North and South Korea, failed to stop at the scene.  The five fishermen aboard the fishing vessel saw the name of the vessel and reported to the authorities.

The bulk carrier reached Taiwan where the authorities noted the scratches on it hull and it was detained for further investigations.

Reason for Collision:

The bulk carrier and the fishing boat crew revealed that they saw each other boat at the last minute and maneuvered to each other directions where it collided.  The bulk carrier crew revealed that it reduced its speed to ensure the fishing boat was still afloat and left the scene.

Source: FleetMon