ClassNK Launched Guidelines for Hull Monitoring


  • ClassNK released its “Guidelines for Hull Monitoring”.
  • These guidelines summarize the technical requirements for a hull monitoring system to achieve ship safety improvement.
  • ClassNK has also launched “Innovation Endorsement ” for innovative technologies and initiatives.
  • The guidelines also describe the class notation indicating that the ship is provided with specific functions.

Leading Classification Society ClassNK released its “Guidelines for Hull Monitoring” that summarize technical requirements for a hull monitoring system, says a press release published on their website.

New guidelines aim at safety improvement

A hull monitoring system is intended to collect information through sensors like a strain gauge or an accelerometer installed on the ship and perform condition monitoring and condition evaluation.

With the recent development of sensing technology, communication between ships and shore, and technology for big data analysis, the system has been more sophisticated, and expected to lead to ship safety improvement, utilization for maintaining and managing the ship, and enhancement of its value.

Guidelines for Digital Smart Ships 

ClassNK has launched “Innovation Endorsement”, certification service for innovative technologies and initiatives. As part of this “Innovation Endorsement” ClassNK has published Guidelines for Digital Smart Ships which stipulate the requirements for class notations indicating that a ship is provided with a system utilizing digital technology (smart system), and various monitoring including hull monitoring are subject to the guidelines.

Hull Monitoring guidelines 

ClassNK has released Guidelines for Hull Monitoring in the light of the rapid technological evolutions and growing needs of the industry. The guidelines comprehensively summarize the requirements to be met to achieve functions contributing to improving the safety of the hull structure. In addition, the guidelines describe the class notation indicating that the ship is provided with specific functions.

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Source: ClassNK