Tanker Delivered to Concordia Maritime



Stena Important was delivered on 15 October from the Chinese shipyard GSI (Guangzhou Shipbuilding International) in Guangzhou to Concordia Maritime. The vessel, a 50,000 dwt IMOIIMAX MR tanker is a new addition to its existing two such vessels. The earlier vessel, the Stena Image has been deployed in Stena Weco’s global logistics systems since April, this year, and is already performing beyond expectations.

This next generation chemical and product tanker is logistically very flexible and can transport both oil and petroleum products as well as vegetable oils and chemicals. The vessel is known for both cargo efficiency and bunker consumption. “Induction of the IMOIIMAX tankers is an important step in the long-term expansion and development of our fleet”, says Kim Ullman, CEO of Concordia Maritime.

Stena Weco’s global logistics systems have the Stena Impression, the Stena Image and the Stena Imperial, which are all IMOIIMAX tankers developed by Stena Teknik together with the shipyard GSI. A total of ten vessels will be delivered by 2017 to Concordia Maritime, which will have 70 ships in its fleet.

The Stena Important will arrive at a port in Europe for discharge at the beginning of December, and then the naming ceremony is planned to take place as well.

Source: Concordia Maritime