A Swift Medical Evacuation by The Coast Guard



On November 2, Alice Oldendorff, Portuguese-flagged bulk carrier (owned by Oldendorff Carriers of Lübeck) was sailing from Canada to New York when a Ukrainian sailor on board complained of severe stomach pain. It was positioned about 130 nautical miles offshore.  A medevac request from the ship to a team of U.S. Coast Guard search and rescue U.S.C.G. service members at the 1st Coast Guard District Command Center resulted in a quick action.

The flight surgeon, the operator of the vessel, and the search and rescue mission coordinator had a conference call to rescue the 28-year-old patient.  The operator was instructed to change course and make best speed towards Cape Cod to decrease the time it would take to get the man to an appropriate medical facility.

Crews aboard an HC-144a twin-engine patrol plane and an MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter co-ordinated.  The plane crew guided the helicopter rescue crew to hoist the man safely and fly him to Cape Cod Hospital for treatment.

Teaming up with the plane crew speeded up the helicopter to reach quickly, communicate with the operator of the vessel and conduct the rescue within the 12 hour window.

Source: USCG News