High Cat-Fines in Fuels From Point Lisas, Trinidad



Viswa Lab has released a new “Fuel Problems – The Watchdog!” update and here is an extract from it.

In the last week of October 2015, we have identified very high catfines (173 ppm, 202 ppm, and 280 ppm) in 3 samples bunkered in the port of Point Lisas, Trinidad.  These levels of catfines can cause very serious damage to the machinery.  The fuels are out of spec when compared to the ISO 8217:2005 or ISO 8217:2010/2012 standards.  Even with purifier efficiency of 80%, the catfine value will be higher than the 15 ppm limit recommended by engine manufacturers.  Please take note when you are ordering fuels in this port.

You should insist on getting catfine values before you order the fuel.  Please also refer to our advice in our analysis reports to improve purifier efficiency for maximum removal of catfines.

Further, you can contact Viswa Lab for further technical support and optimization of purifier for its performance.

Read our previous technical write-up on catfines to get the insights and update on purifier efficiency – Read Here.