MPA Calls on Global Hub Ports to Be Ready For LNG Bunkering



Chief Executive of the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) Mr Andrew Tan called for more ports to be ready for LNG bunkering, given the global move towards cleaner shipping and higher environmental standards.  Mr Tan said this in his speech at the 3rd Busan International Port Conference (BIPC) in Busan, South Korea.

In his speech titled “Environmental Sustainability for International Shipping – LNG as a marine fuel”, Mr Tan said Asia has great potential to offer LNG bunkering considering some of the most important trade routes traverse the region.  In this regard, Singapore hopes to promote greater discussions and cooperation amongst global hub ports to provide LNG bunkering for short sea and ocean going vessels.

LNG has been touted to deliver impressive reductions in SOx, NOx or CO2 emissions and is seen as a fuel of the future.  Currently, about 48 ports around the world are either LNG bunkering ready or have plans to do so.

The 3rd BIPC is being held in Busan, South Korea from 5 to 6 November 2015.  Themed “Ports Exploring the Unexplored”, the conference aims to identify and discuss the challenges and opportunities in the shipping and maritime industry.  Mr Tan met the new President of Busan Port Authority, Mr Woo Ye-jong, at the sidelines of the BIPC where they discussed areas of cooperation such as the impact of mega-vessels, raising port productivity and future opportunities for LNG bunkering.  He also congratulated Mr Lim Ki-Tack, the incoming Secretary General of the IMO, on his successful elections.

Source: MPA