Green Energy To Disrupt Oil’s Long-Term Relationship With Shipping


  • the allure of green fuels looks to end shipping’s loveless marriage with oil
  • The real deal for a sustainable long-term partnership is to produce green hydrogen, green ammonia, and synthetic fuels

As steam replaced sail at the turn of the 20th Century, green energy is set to be the major disruptor that ends oil’s long-term relationship with shipping says an article on Lloyd’s Register.

Green fuels

While shipping has had many strained relationships over the years with regulators, banks, and customers, it is the ‘marriage of convenience’ with oil that is likely to end in tears, as owners are now tempted by the alluring charms of green fuels.


Hydrogen is the latest flavor of the month, bursting onto the shipping scene with adoring suitors queueing up to proclaim their devotion to ‘H’. However, the new darling of shipping will be expensive to maintain as it is costly to produce and requires an enormous amount of energy to make.

Not sufficient for needs

The much-touted renewable energy sources such as solar and wind do not have the energy density needed to make hydrogen in sufficient quantities to meet shipping’s needs. Hydrogen when made with oil and gas, is worse than no hydrogen at all.

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Source: Llyod’s Register