Crowley Wins American Maritime Safety Award 2015


Crowley Wins American Maritime Safety Award 2015 For Standard Compliance


Crowley Vessels were Honored with Environmental Awards for the implementation of drug and alcohol awareness program for crewmembers who perform safety-sensitive functions.

Chamber of Shipping of America Took up nominations from all owners and operators of vessels working on oceans or inland waterways for the Environmental Achievement awards.  Approximately 1,601 vessels from 42 companies, including Crowley, were recognized this year.

From these nominations the AMS Safety Advisory Committee presents every year the safety awards in recognition of their dedication to preserving the marine environment and promoting safe vessel navigation, operations and maritime work practices.  These safety awards are designed to recognize vessel operators for their proactive efforts toward achieving safe and responsible vessel practices.

More than 100 Crowley Maritime Corporation-owned and -operated vessels were honored for the company’s implementation of a drug and alcohol awareness program for crewmembers who perform safety-sensitive functions on vessels calling U.S. ports.  This program contains various non-industry standard items, above and beyond the requirements including:

  • Searches that prohibit all types of substances that may impair safety;
  • Specialized online refresher training; and
  • Development of an onboard collector’s guide to provide step-by-step instructions in the event a drug collection must be performed aboard one of Crowley’s owned or managed vessels.


“Crowley’s No. 1 core value is safety.  Not only does that include the safety of our employees, but the safety of the environment,” said Mike Golonka, vice president, government services.  “These awards highlight the rigorous work of our crews, who ensure that our vessels continue to operate safely and in an environmentally responsible manner.”

“Crowley evinces a determination to not just meet, but exceed U.S. Coast Guard standards relating to the prevention of substance abuse,” commented AMS President Lee Seham.  “We see this with respect to testing levels, training programs and Crowley’s pro-active efforts to identify new forms of substance abuse in the general population and prevent their introduction into the maritime community.”

“Crowley has a long, historical focus on safety and we are always honored when organizations such as AMS recognize our prioritization of safe operations,” said Charlie Nalen, vice president of safety, security, quality and environmental stewardship.  “Over the years, we have worked to enhance our safety culture resulting in a continuing reduction in incidents and increased protection of people, property and the environment – setting the tone for our employees to assume accountability for their own personal safety, as well as that of those around them.  This focus has been successful as is evidenced by this prestigious recognition.”

“This system is critical to our performance and upholding it is the responsibility of all employees,” said Nalen.

Source: Crowley