FDA To Give Full Approval To Pfizer Vaccine


  • The US Food and Drug Administration is likely to issue full approval to the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.
  • The current pace of vaccination suggests that the pandemic is far from over.

Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine expected to be given full approval by the US Food and Drug Administration in the coming days; health experts say the decision may drive more Americans toward receiving Covid-19 vaccines, says CNN.

Extending awareness

Dr. Megan Ranney, an emergency physician and associate dean at the School of Public Health at Brown University said, “I can’t overstate how important this is on multiple fronts. With this full approval in hand, we’re going to have a chance to message again about the safety and effectiveness of this vaccine. We can help to fill the airwaves and the newspapers and social media with messages about what a difference this vaccine makes in terms of preventing hospitalization and death, even in the face of the Delta variant”

He also added that since the vaccine has been issued under an emergency approval, complete approval will alleviate concerns about those who are vaccine-hesitant.

Covid Surge

Vaccination rates are on the rise, with over a million shots delivered every day. The highly transmissible Delta variety, on the other hand, is causing a sharp increase in hospitalizations among the unvaccinated, leaving signs of transmission among some vaccinated people.

As a result, according to CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden, the current pace of vaccination suggests that the pandemic in the United States and around the world is far from abating.

“We’re encouraged by the increase in the uptick of vaccines, but remember, you’ve got something like 90 million people not vaccinated. So, a million a day leaves you months and months of lots of people susceptible to severe illness or death,” Frieden said.

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Source: CNN