A Mariners’ Guide To Prevent Oil Cargo Theft



Tankers operating in the Asian waters run under the risk of  piracy and armed or sea robbery particularly  involving oil cargo theft.  ReCAAP ISC, in collaboration with the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) and the Information Fusion Centre (IFC) has produced a

guide for tankers operating in to combat oil cargo theft.  The guide issued through ReCAAP  will assist ships to avoid, deter or delay such incidents; as well as post-incident management.

The regional guide will take into account the occurrence of incidents involving all types of ships while underway and at ports and anchorages in Asian waters.

In 2014, the ReCAAP ISC published a Special Report on “Incidents of Siphoning of Fuel/Oil at Sea in Asia”, highlighting its concern over the increase in the number of such incidents in Asia.  Notably, one incident was reported in 2011, four in 2012, three in 2013 and 15 in 2014. In 2015, the ReCAAP ISC published Part II highlighting worrisome trends since 2014.  The modus operandi of the perpetrators, the timely responses by the masters and shipping companies had been highlighted.

  1. ReCAAP points out the maritime security planning considerations – pre-sailing and during sailing; the ship protection measures,recommendations and checklist for ships coming under attack.
  2. The guide helps the mariner by having a full situational awareness and locations to avoid routes through vulnerable areas.
  3. The contact details of ReCAAP Focal Points and the Voluntary Community Reporting (VCR) scheme had been established by the IFC.

However, in view of the increase in incidents in the Asia region, such a guide is long overdue and is welcomed in its attempt to give clear guidance in the absence of a shipping industry-wide BMP for Asia.

ReCAAP enables information sharing amongst the Focal Points through an Information Network System (IFN) thereby minimising piracy incidents.

Source: hellenicshipping