ABB Launches Silencer and Two-Stroke Turbocharger



Swiss power and automation technology group ABB Turbocharging has launched a commercial turbocharging air outlet silencer package to reduce noise levels on board ships.  The noise reduction package will reduce engine room noise complying with the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) regulations as per the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) limits.

The on-board noise reduction is to protect personnel from noise on board ships to ensure their occupational health and safety.

The solution is applicable for A100-L and A200-L series turbochargers and features special noise damping elements to meet IMO noise emission standards revised in July 2014.  With a maximum of a 5dB reduction in noise emissions, the noise level perceived by a human ear is almost reduced by half, thus making a considerable contribution to the noise level limit set by the IMO SOLAS regulations.

“The air outlet silencer ensures the safe operation of turbocharging products and reduces environmental pollution.  Additionally, ABB has introduced its smallest turbocharger for two-stroke marine engines called the A160-L for low-speed engines  enabling minimized fuel consumption for IMO Tier II and Tier III NOx compliance.  The product is easier to maintain, with longer service intervals with turbochargers’ reliability, literally from dry dock to dry dock.”

It will be the world’s first DCB with FOCS application at such a high voltage level, stated the company.

The project will see ABB install a 363 kV disconnecting circuit breaker (DCB) with Fiber Optic Current Sensor (FOCS) integrating three substation functions, circuit-breaking, disconnecting and current measurement, in one single component.

Source: ABB