FAQ – MFM Failure During Bunkering



If a Bunker Tanker is equipped with Mass Flow Meter, What will happen if MFM fails during Bunkering?


The Question was addressed to MPA during IBIA Bunker Forum – Singapore.


First MFM (Mass Flow Meter) was installed in June/July 2012 in a bunker tanker (In Singapore) and it has been three and a half years since then.  MPA has witnessed only one case of MFM failure due to a power failure or ‘Black-out’ on the bunker tanker.   As a corrective action and design improvement, MFM makers and Bunker tankers installed an UPS (uninterrupted Power Supply), after which MPA did not come across any such cases.  As such MFM did not fail intrinsically, whereas it failed due to external factor which is total power failure.  One important aspect which is essential is if in any case MFM fails, bunkering has to be stopped and the ship/barge should revert to manual sounding of tanks.

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