New Panel To Address Cyber Safety Concerns


IACS Council establishes cyber panel to address cyber system integrity


The International Association of Classifications Societies (IACS) has announced its cyber initiative among decisions agreed during 72nd meeting of IACS Council in support of industry and IMO on technical

IACS panels represent the top tier of the Association’s issue-specific bodies, so establishing a Cyber Safety panel that raises the significance of this concern to that of IACS’ traditional focus areas of Safety, Environment, IACS aims to improve global safety and security by focusing on three key areas that include structural, machinery and cyber system integrity.

Two Joint Working Groups (JWGs) also were established at the meeting.  The first, on Cyber Systems, will collaborate with industry stakeholders and supplement ongoing cooperation with BIMCO under the new Cyber Panel.  The second JWG, undertaken by the Environmental Panel, will address methodologies for compliance with the European Union’s Monitoring, Reporting and Verification programme for carbon emissions in EU waters.

Another major initiative progressed during the meeting was a commitment to further strengthen IACS’ quality management system under the IACS Quality System Certification Scheme (QSCS).  This robust and technically sound quality system remains unique within the international maritime industry and will celebrate 25 years in operation in 2016.

The meeting also saw a successful conclusion of the IACS JWG on Energy Efficiency Design Index.  New mandatory Guidelines cover application of EEDI to LNG tankers, nonconventional propulsion cruise ships, ro-ro vehicle carriers and ro-ro cargo and passenger ships as well as vessels fitted with innovative energy efficient technologies.  The Guidelines also cover calculation and verification of EEDI in the case of a major conversion and how to determine minimum propulsion power for manoeuvring in adverse conditions meaning that, for the first time, the full scope of the EEDI requirements in MARPOL Annex VI may be applied consistently around the world.  EEDI focuses on reducing emissions of greenhouse gases from international shipping.

About IACS

Dedicated to safe ships and clean seas, IACS makes a unique contribution to maritime safety and regulation through technical support, compliance verification and research and development.  More than 90% of the world’s cargo carrying tonnage is covered by the classification design, construction and through-life compliance Rules and standards set by the 12 Member Societies of IACS.  Visit to learn more.

Source: IACS