USCG Awards “44th” BWMS Type Approval Certificate


  • 44th U.S. Coast Guard Ballast Water Management System  Approval Certificate to Jiangsu Nanji Machinery Company.
  • NiBallast BWMS treatment principle consists of filtration during uptake and in-tank deoxygenation.
  • The NiBallast BWMS has not met a few requirements, and may not be installed on a US flag vessel

The USCG Marine Safety Center has issued the 44th U.S. Coast Guard Ballast Water Management System Type Approval Certificate to Jiangsu Nanji Machinery Company after a detailed review of the manufacturer’s type approval application determined the system met the requirements of 46 CFR 162.060.

The USCG has issued the 44th U.S. Coast Guard Ballast Water Management System  Approval Certificate to Jiangsu Nanji Machinery Company, says an article published in Ship Insight.

About the type approval

The Type approval certificate was issued after a detailed review of the manufacturer’s type approval application determined the system met the requirements of 46 CFR 162.060.

The approval does not set any salinity or water temperature requirements beyond a hold time of at least 72 hours in Brackish and Marine Water (>1 PSU) and at least 120 hours in FreshWater (<1 PSU).

The approval covers 15 models with maximum treatment rated capacities between 100m3/h and 4,000m3/h.

Jiangsu Nanji Ballast system

The treatment principle of the NiBallast BWMS consists of filtration during uptake and in-tank deoxygenation. 

The NiBallast BWMS has not been verified to meet the requirements of 46 CFR Subchapter F and J, and may not be installed on a US flag vessel. It is also not intended for installation in hazardous locations on foreign flag vessels.

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Source: ShipInsight