How Will America and President Biden Face Serious Shipping Issues?


  • A pandemic that’s killed more than 700,000 Americans.
  • An economy that’s still not firing on all cylinders. A democracy that looks increasingly fragile.
  • And a legislative agenda that still seems iffy on Capitol Hill (more on that below).
  • Those are all the issues on President Joe Biden’s plate as he approaches his ninth month in office.
A recent news article published by Chuck Todd, Mark Murray and Ben Kamisar in the NBC News states that supply and demand: Shipping issues become Biden’s latest economic challenge.

President backups in the international supply chain

And now you can add one more challenge for the president: backups in the international supply chain.

“Logistical backups at shipping ports, driven in part by worker shortages and Covid outbreaks, have doubled the time it takes for some products to make their way from Asia to the U.S,” NBC’s Teaganne Finn writes.

“The delays, which have persisted for months, have sent retailers scrambling to address the bottlenecks, including by chartering their own private cargo vessels to get around the congestion, before the holiday shopping season.”

Pandemic that’s killed more than 700,000 Americans

A pandemic that’s killed more than 700,000 Americans. An economy that’s still not firing on all cylinders. A democracy that looks increasingly fragile. And a legislative agenda that still seems iffy on Capitol Hill (more on that below).

Those are all the issues on President Joe Biden’s plate as he approaches his ninth month in office.

And now you can add one more challenge for the president: backups in the international supply chain.

“Logistical backups at shipping ports, driven in part by worker shortages and Covid outbreaks, have doubled the time it takes for some products to make their way from Asia to the U.S,” NBC’s Teaganne Finn writes.

“The delays, which have persisted for months, have sent retailers scrambling to address the bottlenecks, including by chartering their own private cargo vessels to get around the congestion, before the holiday shopping season.”

Today, at 2:20 p.m. ET, Biden will speak about these bottlenecks, and he will announce that Walmart, FedEx and UPS will be trying to help resolve this supply chain issue.

None of these challenges for Biden is easy.

Still, if you want to know why more and more Americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, it’s because all of the problems out there.

Which now includes a supply chain disruption.

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Source: NBC News