Bulk Carriers Collide


Capesize bulk carrier and general cargo ship collided in Marmara sea halfway between Sarkoy, Tekirdag, and Gelibolu, Canakkale, reports Maritime Bulletin.

What happened?

Capesize bulk carrier and general cargo ship collided in Marmara sea halfway between Sarkoy, Tekirdag, and Gelibolu, Canakkale, at 0310 UTC Oct 24, both ships proceeding to Dardanelles, in full load, in dense fog.

The cargo ship struck bulker portside in midshipsection area, inflicting heavy damages to both ships.

Cargo ship

Cargo ship hull suffered a huge breach, with ensuing water ingress. She was moved to Sevketiye anchorage and was anchored.

She was en route from Varna Bulgaria to Tunis, cargo unknown.


The bulk carrier bow and forecastle are heavily damaged. Situation with her is probably, much more serious. The ship is either dead in the water or anchored south of collision site, with at least two tugs and salvage vessel around.

She was was en route from Yuzhny Ukraine to China with cargo of iron ore.

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Source: Maritime Bulletin